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Live Website Development

The operator allows to deploy a website into any cluster including local k8s clusters e.g. minikube.

To enable Live Website Coding experience it's needed to provide:

  1. Local files sync to the environment
  2. Port forwarding from the cluster to localhost

These two features are nicely provided by Okteto.

How to enable Live Website Development

  1. Deploy a website via operator like any other environment or just use existing local or remote deployment
  2. Install Okteto CLI
  3. Define which files should be synced via okteto.yaml configuration and optionally forward ports of other services e.g. REST API / DB etc.

Guideline for okteto.yaml

name: simple-content-dev          # Name of the website's target deployment managed by operator (Required)
command: httpd -D FOREGROUND      # Same command as spaship/httpd (Required)

# Mapping local directories to website's runtime container (spaship/httpd).
# Can be just few of them or even new components that are not part of website.yaml
# Root directory is `/var/www/html/`
  - ../02-advanced/chrome:/var/www/html/template/
  - ../shared-components:/var/www/html/shared-components/
  - ../02-advanced/search:/var/www/html/search/
  - ../02-advanced/home:/var/www/html/

  enabled: false   # Volumes are disabled because they're initiated by init container

 - 8080:8080       # Forward the spaship/httpd port to localhost

    cpu: "100m"
    memory: 100Mi

# namespace: spaship-examples   # Optionally hard code the name of namespace

Starting and Stopping Live Coding

Starting live coding experience simple as

okteto up -n spaship-examples

Website is available under http://localhost:8080 and any changes on local files are automatically synced to dev environment.

Stopping live coding and rolling back to original state as simple as

okteto down -n spaship-examples

Live REST API Development

In exactly same way any website service can be developed like REST API.

See the SPA + REST API + Mongo Website Example.


All website examples demonstrates how Okteto can be used: