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It's advised to install operator in separate namespace.

kubectl create namespace spaship-operator


Configuration is managed via ConfigMap which is mapped as environment variables. List of important configuration properties is listed in Operator Configuration page.

Kubernetes Configuration

kubectl create configmap -n spaship-operator spaship-operator-config \
        --from-literal=APP_OPERATOR_ROUTER_MODE=ingress \

Openshift Configuration

kubectl create configmap -n spaship-operator spaship-operator-config \
        --from-literal=APP_OPERATOR_ROUTER_MODE=openshift \

Operator Installation

You can manually install all necessary assets of operator by:

kubectl apply -n spaship-operator -f

Operator's Ingress/Route

Operator doesn't create automatically Ingress/Route so they need to be created manually:

Example of ingress with host

kubectl apply -n spaship-operator -f

Example of Openshift route:

oc create route -n spaship-operator edge operator --service=spaship-operator