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Website Deployment

To deploy your website just create simple deployment manifest which points to your git repository containing website.yaml file. Choose wisely name of website - it's used for creating your runtime and configuration.

Create Deployment Manifest

Example of my-website.yaml:

kind: Website
  name: simple
  dir: websites/01-simple              # Relative path to your website.yaml
  secretToken: TOKENSIMPLE

Deploy Website

kubectl create namespace spaship-examples
kubectl apply -n spaship-examples -f my-website.yaml

That's IT!

Operator creates both dev and prod environment with main SPA and theme.

Continuous Deployment & Delivery

The operator is also ready to consume Git webhook events for:

  • Continues Deployment (changes in environments or components)
  • Continues Delivery (changes in theme and main SPA).

See user guide how to set up webhook.

More examples

See git repository spaship-examples.